Monday, November 3, 2008

Fall Festival

We went to a fall festival hosted by a local Methodist church in the area. It had carnival games, "trunk or treating" (where kids trick or treat at cars parked in the parking lot) and a hay ride. Gatlin loved the hay ride we went on at a different farm last year so we decided to go this year at the church. The church is located right off of Hwy 281 and the hay ride took us alongside the highway and down an exit to a quarry area. About two minutes into the ride, we passed a dead deer that had been hit by a car several days ago. The stench was enough to nauseate even the toughest of stomachs and one lady said "I guess that's the scary part of the hayride!" We all got a good laugh out of that one! Once back at the church, Gatlin headed straight for the bounce house and bounced his little heart out. The church also had a great pumpkin patch where we got some pumpkins this year. I also talked to a lady about their preschool and I am going to look into enrolling Gatlin in the spring! What a great find considering we just happened to drive by!

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