Wednesday, June 25, 2008

This ain't no fish tale!

Pardon the grammar, but it fits! Last time we went fishing at the farm, we caught quite a few "keepers". But none compared to the biggest fish ever caught out of Kyle's parents' largest lake. This bass weighed 5.5 pounds and was 23 inches long. Longer than Gatlin when he was born! Kyle put his entire fist in it's mouth to get out the lure, this thing was a beast!! And the person who caught this fish......... (drum roll please).............................

Was me!!!!!

Now, I am not tooting my own horn (toot toot), but check out that monster! No, really, I didn't do anything special, I just got lucky. I was using the same bait as everyone else was so, I just threw it in the right spot, I guess. (toot, toot)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE THAT SHIRT!!! Where did you get it??? You finally caught "Catfish Hunter"!