Monday, May 19, 2008

Good friends, good times

Our good friends, the Rendell family, met us in Gruene for dinner at the Gristmill Restaurant. It is always good to catch up with them. They live in Navarre, FL; just a few miles from where we lived in Fort Walton Beach but, we missed them by about three years. Fortunately for us, their families live in the Austin area so we see them a couple times a year. Thanks for taking the time to come down, we really enjoyed our evening.

1 comment:

Steph said...

It's always fun to meet up with friends again, isn't it? Too bad with our lifestyles we always end up *just* missing living in the same area. Jenn lived in Vegas for three years and then moved a few months before we got here. It's like we all just kind of rotate around each other after the first assignment. Thank goodness for internet!